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Apply to Join the Brotherhood

Seems like most of the men I knew were more interested in the big game, the next party, or simply getting by. But I wanted something more.

I wanted to excel in my life. I wanted to improve my relationships. I wanted to grow my business. I just wanted more.


I wanted to excel in my life. I wanted to improve my relationships. I wanted to grow my business. I just wanted more.


So, I took it into my own hands and launched Alpha Redefinition for 3 reasons:


To create an environment where high-caliber men could connect and build relationships



to build and share systems, processes, and strategies for success across all areas of life



to hold myself accountable to achieving all of my goals and objectives​

When you band with us, you are going to unlock access to the network, framework, and accountability required to take the rest of 2024 to the next level.


So, whether you want to lose weight, build strength, start a business, secure a promotion, salvage your marriage, connect with your kids, write a book, pick up new skills and hobbies, or simply find other men to band with, that Alpha Redefinition is for you.


But we're only open for a limited time before we shut it down again until the fall sometime.


If you're ready to take your life to the next level, join us now. I won't promise you that if you do, you'll experience results (that's entirely up to you) but if you put in the work and tap into the systems we've created, you can't help but win.

Be the first to know when enrollment opens!

Thanks for joining the waitlist!

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